A percentage of total ankle replacements require hardware removal or subsequent operative treatment. In this case, the patient presented as a 61-year-old female who had previously sustained a left tri-malleolar equivalent ankle fracture, which was fixed at an outside institution. She was suffering from chronic ankle pain, therefore Dr. Greg Berlet opted for a staged total ankle replacement. The 4.0 mm OSSIOfiber Trimmable Nail was chosen as the preferred fixation method, as it provided a solid supportive construct to the medial malleolus for prophylactic fixation of the tibia in a total ankle replacement.
Placing the OSSIOfiber® Trimmable Nails in the medial malleolus enables complete bone integration, thus, allowing a surgeon performing the revision to make any new tibial cuts without the risks, time, or burden of removing metallic implants.

DOC0001576 Rev 01 2/2021